Carolina Fibre Staff Spotlight: Janet Tucker’s Sustainability Resolutions
As an eco-conscious company, Carolina Fibre is always looking for new individuals and companies that are ready to go green. The start of a new year brings opportunities to spread positive impact on the earth, lower costs, reduce waste and inspire others to be proactive in the cause. To kick off 2015, we are excited to share the resolutions and views of one of our own team members: Janet Tucker.
When Janet came to Carolina Fibre six years ago as our administrative assistant, we knew she shared our passion and commitment to sustainability. In addition to working as a team to save energy at the office, Janet uses her own tricks at home that everyone should adapt themselves! One way Janet saves energy is using a programmable thermostat for different times of the day (including leaving for vacations) to control heating and cooling output. Too few of us realize just how much energy and money we could save if we paid a little more attention to our thermostat usage. According to the Department of Energy, residential thermostats make up 9% of the United State’s energy use. That’s why leaving it on too high and for long periods of time results in high power bills. Janet is also in the process of replacing her bathrooms’ recessed light bulbs with plug-in LED units. The LEDs project a better illumination—they actually save you money. Her family also collects and stores tins, bottles, plastics, papers and cardboard to take to a local recycling receptacle each weekend.
Looking at her personal resolutions, Janet is very clear about her focus, “When it comes to recycling and saving energy, I believe awareness is the key. We focus on changing how we live in view of improving earth stewardship.” As for what she would like to see Carolina Fibre achieve this year, Janet is determined for the team to strengthen existing client relationships, continue to improve their processes and to prepare for the needs of their customers and clients for optimal company performance.
When it comes to being ecologically aware, Janet follows two quotes that bring so much meaning and purpose to her green lifestyle:
- “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
- “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Remember, going green doesn’t have to happen overnight. It’s about the little steps you take and the adjustments you make that will benefit you, those around you and the world we live in.
What energy saving tricks does your office use on a daily basis? We’d love to hear your ideas!